2 Way Tenancy Solutions CIC
Get in touch with 2 Way Tenancy if you are a social housing association in Gateshead, South Tyneside, Newcastle, Durham or North Tyneside. We have a track record of helping tenants to avoid evictions and can save you time and money.
We can help private landlords in Gateshead, South Tyneside, Newcastle, Durham or North Tyneside with tenants that have rent arrears and avoid the cost of the eviction process. We can work with the tenant to provide a suitable solution.
5 reasons to use 2 Way Tenancy Solutions
We work with landlords and tenants to maintain sustainable communities.
Our service is tailored to your individual needs.
We work with landlords, supporting their tenants to reduce costs associated with evictions.
We support tenants and help them to deal with the root cause of problems, not the symptoms.
We work with tenants to improve their financial confidence.
If you are a tenant with a social landlord or a private landlord in Gateshead, South Tyneside, Newcastle, Durham or North Tyneside we can help if you are referred by your landlord.
2 Way Enquiry Form
Where to find us:
2 Way Tenancy Solutions CIC
Greenesfield Business Centre
Mulgrave Terrace
Get in touch:
Email: advice@2waytenancy.co.uk
Tel: 0191 490 9407
Mob: 07557 514 078
(Outside office hours)
2 Way Tenancy Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
(Outside Office Hours Avaialble At Request)