4 Private Landlords
How we can help private landlords avoid eviction costs
Avoid expensive eviction court costs with 2 Way Tenancy Solutions
As a private landlord you want to protect your investment and avoid disputes with your tenants, this may include non-payment of rent and rent arrears.
In a survey conducted by Homelet in 2017, over 50% of landlords surveyed stated that they’ve had problems with at least one tenant in the past.
(Source: Homelet Tenant Survey 2017)
Dealing with tenants in the right way can make a big difference in handling difficult issues such as non-payment of rent or rent arrears. Eviction is not taken lightly, however as a private landlord, you need to make sure the rent is paid to maintain mortgage payments.
There strict procedures in evicting your tenants including serving a section 21 notice or a section 8 notice which then must be followed up by a standard possession order which you apply through the courts. This can start to prove costly, so can you avoid this?
Call for a free consultation and avoid expensive legal fees
At 2 Way Tenancy Solutions we specialise in working with private landlords to assist their tenants who are having difficulties in rent payments or rent arrears by establishing a payment plan that suits both parties.
2 Way Tenancy Solutions will work with the tenant over 3 sessions to provide the following solutions:
• Identify the reasons behind non-payment of rent and rent arrears
Develop a plan with the tenant by arranging direct debit payments direct to you, the landlord, known as an Alternative Payment Arrangement or arrange local housing allowance or if there is a shortfall then we can help with applying for Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP).
• We aim to work with tenants to reduce the level of their rent arrears and support them to set up electronic payments for their rent in order to avoid becoming homeless.
We aim to work with tenants to reduce the level of their rent arrears and support them to set up electronic payments for their rent in order to avoid becoming homeless.
Landlords could see costs savings of up to £2500.00 per tenant. This takes into account the rent arrears, legal and void costs avoided.

Tenants on state benefits:
If you have tenants that receive benefits, the introduction of Universal Credit may be a concern to you and your rental income as some tenants will not be used to managing their own rent payments and it might even be the first time they’ve used a bank account.
The transition for tenants in receipt of Universal Credit has been well documented, with initial first payments taking up to six weeks which may lead to budgeting difficulties.
We will work with your tenants on a face to face basis to explain how the welfare reform will affect them and what measures they will need to put in place in order to avoid getting into rent arrears or not getting their payments.